Button (React)
Display a button widget
dp.button(label, block=False, danger=False, disabled=False, ghost=False, href=None,
html_type='button', icon=None, loading=False, shape='default', size='middle',
target=None, type='default', on_click=None)
Parameter | Description |
label (str) | Name of the button |
block (bool) | Fits button width to its parent width |
danger (bool) | Sets the status of the button to dangerous, rendering it appropriately |
disabled (bool) | Disables the button |
ghost (bool) | Make background transparent and invert text and border colors |
href (Optional[str]) | URL to navigate to |
html_type (ButonHtmlType) | Set the original html type of button. Can be either submit , reset or button |
icon (Optional[IconType]) | The icon for the button object |
loading (Union[bool, Annotated[int, Gt(0)]]) | Sets the loading status of the button. It could be either a boolean flag (loading on/off) or a integer value, which represents a delay in milliseconds for the button to enter in loading state after rendering |
shape (ButtonShapeType) | Sets the shape of the button. Can be either default , circle or round |
size (ButtonSizeType) | Size of the button. Can be either small , middle or large . If not properly defined, it is set to middle |
target (Optional[Union[ButtonTargetType, str]]) | Specifies where to open the linked document when the button is clicked. This works when the href is specified, behaving similarly to the target attribute of an anchor <a> tag. Can be either _blank , _self , _parent or _top |
type (ButtonType) | Sets the button type. Can be either primary , dashed , link , text or default |
on_click (Optional[Callable]) | Trigger a Python function |
Buttons require either a label
or an icon
The example below shows how to create a basic button.
import shapelets.datapanel as dp
# Set up a dataApp
app = dp.dataApp()
app.title('Simple demo')
# Define and place the button
my_button = dp.button(label='shapelets_button', size='large')
# Publish dataApp
Try it yourself!
A common use case is to trigger an action once a button is pressed. We can achieve this with user-defined functions:
import shapelets.datapanel as dp
# Set up a dataApp
app = dp.dataApp()
txt = app.title('Trigger Button')
async def change_title() -> str:
"""Change the dataApp title."""
txt.text = 'New name!'
yield txt
# Define and place a button
my_button = app.button(label='trigger_button', on_click=change_title)
# Publish dataApp
Learn more about user-defined functions here