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Button (React)

Display a button widget

dp.button(label, block=False, danger=False, disabled=False, ghost=False, href=None,
html_type='button', icon=None, loading=False, shape='default', size='middle',
target=None, type='default', on_click=None)


label (str)Name of the button
block (bool)Fits button width to its parent width
danger (bool)Sets the status of the button to dangerous, rendering it appropriately
disabled (bool)Disables the button
ghost (bool)Make background transparent and invert text and border colors
href (Optional[str])URL to navigate to
html_type (ButonHtmlType)Set the original html type of button. Can be either submit, reset or button
icon (Optional[IconType])The icon for the button object
loading (Union[bool, Annotated[int, Gt(0)]])Sets the loading status of the button. It could be either a boolean flag (loading on/off) or a integer value, which represents a delay in milliseconds for the button to enter in loading state after rendering
shape (ButtonShapeType)Sets the shape of the button. Can be either default, circle or round
size (ButtonSizeType)Size of the button. Can be either small, middle or large. If not properly defined, it is set to middle
target (Optional[Union[ButtonTargetType, str]])Specifies where to open the linked document when the button is clicked. This works when the href is specified, behaving similarly to the target attribute of an anchor <a> tag. Can be either _blank, _self, _parent or _top
type (ButtonType)Sets the button type. Can be either primary, dashed, link, text or default
on_click (Optional[Callable])Trigger a Python function

Buttons require either a label or an icon parameter


The example below shows how to create a basic button.

import shapelets.datapanel as dp

# Set up a dataApp
app = dp.dataApp()
app.title('Simple demo')

# Define and place the button
my_button = dp.button(label='shapelets_button', size='large')

# Publish dataApp
Shapelets Basic Button

Try it yourself!

A common use case is to trigger an action once a button is pressed. We can achieve this with user-defined functions:

import shapelets.datapanel as dp

# Set up a dataApp
app = dp.dataApp()
txt = app.title('Trigger Button')

async def change_title() -> str:
"""Change the dataApp title."""
txt.text = 'New name!'
yield txt

# Define and place a button
my_button = app.button(label='trigger_button', on_click=change_title)

# Publish dataApp

Learn more about user-defined functions here