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Install Shapelets

There are various methods to set up your development environment and install Shapelets.

Keep on reading to understand these methods.

Binary Installation

To install a binary distribution, the only requirement is to have a working version of Python (recent, 3.8 and onwards) in your system. If you don’t have Python yet, you can download it here.

To install Shapelets using pip, you can run:

pip install shapelets-platform

To use the Virtual File System (VFS) feature, you'll need to install the drivers. You can do this with:

pip install shapelets-platform[vfs-all]

By choosing the all option, you'll install all the drivers. We currently support Azure Blob Storage Gen1 & Gen2, Server Message Block (SMB), and the local filesystem. Additional fsspec-compatible protocols will be available soon

Validate the installation by executing:

python -c "import shapelets as sh; print(sh.__version__)"


It's a good idea to use a virtual environment or Docker to avoid conflicts with the libraries installed on your system. If you're not familiar with these methods, you can find instructions below

Virtual environment

To install Shapelets in a secure environment, you can create a virtual environment. This will allow you to safely install Shapelets without risking any system conflicts. We'll show you how to do this in the following steps.

  1. Create a directory called shapelets_ws:

    mkdir shapelets_ws
  2. Navigate to said directory:

    cd shapelets_ws
  3. Create a virtual environment:

    pyhton -m venv .venv
  4. Activate your newly created virtual environment:

    # Linux and macOS
    source ./venv/bin/activate

    # Windows CMD

    # Windows PowerShell
  5. Install Shapelets


Shapelets installation via conda is still in development


  1. Download our Docker image:

    docker pull shapeletsdev/shapelets-platform:latest
  2. Run the image:

    docker run --name shapelets -p 4567:4567 -d -v /<your directory>:/io shapeletsdev/shapelets-platform:latest

This Docker image needs to expose port 4567. We recommend creating a volume to share your local scripts with the Docker container.

Next, open your web browser and go to http://localhost:4567.


Once you install Shapelets, you are ready to use it. If you want a recommendation about development environments, we recommend you:

  • To write and execute code interactively for Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Processing, use notebooks in JupyterLab

  • To write large scripts for processing data or build Data Apps use an IDE like Visual Studio Code